Thursday, November 28, 2019

Social Change Within Society and Culture free essay sample

Culture Culture refers to the knowledge, ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that give each society its coherence and its distinctive way of life. Culture is demonstrated by the beliefs, customs, values, laws, arts, technology and artefacts people generate and use as the interpret meaning from their world and solves present and future problems. Environment Every society is located in a particular physical setting. The attitudes and values people have in regard to their environment greatly affect interactions between the person, society, culture and environment. Environments present societies with opportunities and restraints. Time Every person, society and environment is located in time and is changing through time. Our perceptions of time as past, present and future are also important for social enquiry and action. These perceptions draw on past events that influence our present. They need not determine our future. We can perceive a range of possible future that can assist our decision-making. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Change Within Society and Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Power involves a capacity to influence others to follow a course of action or point of view they would not otherwise follow. Authority Authority implies a legitimate use of influence/persuasion. Someone in authority has accepted rights to make decisions regardless of those affected by the decisions opinion. Gender refers to the socially constructed differences between men and women. Its refers to the value society places on those physical and biological differences. It may mean that a society accepts males as tough and boisterous, while females are accepted as sensitive and shy. These beliefs only have meaning because a society gives them one, not because they are based on fact. Technology Technology means the tools that make tasks easier, enhancing the natural ability of persons to perform those tasks. Technology is not accessed equally across the world and countries and companies with higher access to higher levels of technology are able to produce more products quickly and distribute them more efficiently. Core Concepts Empowerment used to describe groups within a society gaining access to power structures and being able to assert some control over their destiny. Globalisation describes the emergence of a global culture brought about by a variety of social and cultural developments such as, the existence of world information systems, the emergence of a global pattern of consumption and consumerism. It involves the consciousness of the world as a single place. Heritage refers to the collective past of a country. It may be physical heritage (materials or remains) or cultural heritage (songs, stories or music). It also plays a role in maintaining continuity. Industrialisation refers to the transition in methods of production that has been responsible for increasing wealth, creating capacity of modern societies compared to traditional systems. I may refer to manufacturing, agriculture and administration. Modernisation the adoption of new technology education and ways of thinking. A process of social change from the adoption of characteristics of a advanced society through societies that are less advanced. Westernisation A method and values of western industrial capitalism are the basis of changes occurring. A country adopts the values common in major western countries, USA, UK, Australia. These values include democracy, capitalism, and the adoption of free market economic industrialisation. Research Methodologies Social and Cultural Research the way we go about finding out things we dont know in the area of society and culture. It normally involves selecting a specific topic, deciding on the most appropriate methodologies, collecting data interpreting your results and presenting your findings. Quantitative research involves methodologies such as surveys, which enable you to collect data that can be turned into graphs, tables and diagrams. An advantage of measurable research is that it makes it easy to compare with other research. Qualitative research Qualitative research relies upon open ended questionnaires that are unstructured. Interviews and participant observation. The data you collect is normally personal opinions and require interpretation. Methodologies Adv Disadv Survey Uses observation or a questionnaire. It is a process of conducting a study from a representative sample of specific populating. Must be comprised of closed questions, multiple choice and rating scale. Closed questions Open questions †¢ Easier to interpret †¢ Minimal cost †¢ Many responses †¢ anonymity †¢ Cant elaborate †¢ little flexibility †¢ May misinterpret †¢ survey not returned by certain time. Case Study Case Study involves the collection of data related to an individual or small group through observation, interviews or evidence. Fairly detailed accurate info †¢ can get very involved †¢ research may be bias †¢ limited by the resources available to researcher Participant Observation Researcher is immersed in the action being observed but their role as researcher is not obvious. Researchers must be aware of ethical implications. †¢ requires researcher to reflect †¢ indepth, detailed à ¢â‚¬ ¢ participant may be self conscious †¢ difficult for researcher to get involved †¢ alter behaviour Content Analysis The study and interpretation of written and visual material. †¢ useful for range of cultural data †¢ very current info †¢ material shows bias very time consuming Focus Group A small group who (indepth) discuss a topic. Researcher records information. It is similar to interview but with up to eight people. †¢ Provides good qualitative information. †¢ Dynamic responses †¢ Lots of ideas †¢ difficult to select right participants †¢ difficult for group to trust each other Action Research Informal, qualitative, requires all participants to be collaborative researchers. People who recognise a problem in a workplace situation and devise a solution. †¢ Very accurate †¢ many ideas, updated †¢ researcher very involved †¢ Time consuming †¢ Confusing difficult to obtain conclusions. Personal Reflection Requires the researcher to reflect upon and evaluate their own experiences, memories, values and opinions in relation to specific issue or topic. †¢ Reflecting on own experiences †¢ Evaluating personal matters †¢ may cause friction with difficult issues †¢ personal bias Questionnaire Collecting data from a large and diverse sample of people. It is impersonal and contains clear questions worded simply to avoid confusion. Should be brief, logical sequence of questions †¢ minimal cost †¢ wide responses quickly †¢ anonymous †¢ Failure to receive responses little flexibility †¢ Misinterpret question Interview Interview may be structured, semi structured or unstructured indepth or conversational. This is a one on one situation that is time consuming. Structured very specific Unstructured broad, general Semi-structured open and closed †¢ quick and easy †¢ detailed and indepth †¢ can change questions to suit situation †¢ fl exible, quick †¢ time consuming †¢ not indepth †¢ difficult to analyse †¢ may be confusing †¢ difficult to analyse Observation Involves watching and recording behaviour within a clearly defined area. The researcher may be passive observer and outside the actions being observed and recorded. †¢ identity of person is known †¢ researchers reflect on situation †¢ participants alter behaviour †¢ self conscious Ethnographic Study Systematic collection of data derived from direct observation of everyday life of a particular society, group or subculture. This requires researchers immersion in the culture under study and is interactive process. The researcher is interested in understanding the customs and beliefs or this social group in the way of engaging in everyday life. †¢ indepth detailed †¢ researcher becomes very involved very time consuming †¢ researcher may be bias or make incorrect judgement. Statistical Analysis Examining data to interpret meaning, make generalisations and extrapolate trends. Often data come in graphical form and analysed by statistical procedures †¢ Up to date relevant information †¢ easy to graph and present †¢ info can date quickly †¢ inaccuracies when transferring info Macro and micro worlds Micro world, peers, family and school. It refers to personal experience and the ideas, insight, reflections, knowledge on life experiences of the individual which can be used to generate an understanding of the wider world. Macro world, laws, workplace, government. It refers to Public Knowledge involving history of systematic research that can be used to clarify, unify and order. Groups formed so society can function, control and organise Informal short experiences not governed by rigid rules Formal expected conduct and formalised relations Decision making formal groups have predetermined procedures. Minority groups cultural practices and appearance unlike the dominate groups making them susceptible to unequal treatment. Institution part of the structure of society, organised e. g. hurch, government, law Organisation structure within society which is set in place for e. g. business, clubs, political parties. Power and Authority POWER Institutional position power is part of a role that others see as legitimate e. g. president or judges. Property owning ones property denying access to property e. g. landlords or factory owners. Force physically removing, threatening to inflict damage e. g. physi cal harm or public humiliation. Personal qualities charm and charisma e. g. singers, religious leaders Legitimate power recognising and applying power e. g. government officials Empowerment to give power to other e. g. principles give children power to run assemblies. AUTHORITY Traditional based on birthrights unwritten rules e. g. royal family the son becomes king. Legal or rational Power legitimate by ruled defined by leader e. g. prime minister, mayor Charismatic Power legitimated by remarkable qualities attributed to specific leader e. g. Jesus, Hitler, Martin Luther King Decision making Decision making making up your mind, deciding about something, making choices, resolving issues. Simple decision one that is easy Complex decision important, made in a group There are different types of decisions. †¢ Decisions made for you, by someone else e. g. by force or persuasion. †¢ Automatic Decisions, dont think about it, its instinctive. †¢ Quick Decision, made without alot of though, impulsively. †¢ Thoughtful Decision, perhaps made after discussing it with a friend or parent. †¢ Group Decision, reached only after much though and decision involving other people. We live ion a democratic society, we participate in decision making which affects us and our families e. g. casting votes at elections when we are 18, joining groups and committees. There are decisions that are out of our control as adults. Decisions are affected by, influence, power and authority, compromise, conflict, consultation and imposition, winners and loser, available resources and vested interests. All families have needs and wants, requiring many different decisions to be made. Most decisions within family unit are made by adults. Yet this is changing. decision making is an ongoing process, we make decisions all the time, as individuals and in groups. A simple way to decide is to write down the advantages and disadvantages. The Nature of Social and Cultural Continuity and Change Identifying the nature of social and cultural continuity and change CONTINUITY Continuity persistence of cultural elements in a society. new ideas are developed and grafted onto old ideas. Continuation of social groups, forms of interaction, customs, beliefs e. g. Alphabet, process or paper making. Conformity is the strongest where some of these conditions are evident in a society. †¢ Vested interest †¢ Change resisted by fear †¢ Loss of power or wealth †¢ Rigid caste systems †¢ Strongly help beliefs, do nit share others values Psychological barriers, resistance due to tradition Ethnocentrism; passing judgement on attitudes and lifestyles in other societies. We tend to believe our own society is superiors because of long term direct experience. This assists group loyalty however it can lead to barriers in accepting features of other societies. This relates to conformity and continuity rather than change . Suspicion, prejudice and stereotyping are all parts of Ethnocentrism. Cultural relativity; helps stop ethnocentrism, cultural relativity requires an act, that should be regarded positively and forfills needs of a society. Elements of society are continuous †¢ Hereditary value (language spoken) †¢ Standardized behavior (driving on the right side of the road) Theory of cultural lag Developed by William Ogburn, the theory argues attitudinal aspects of culture, lag behind when change first occurs in the material aspect of culture e. g. computers. Continuity and socialisation Continuity is part of the socialisation process. Socialisation transmits culture from generations, it is an informal process of learning values, norms, and skills observed and participation e. g. rules set by law ad religious beliefs. CHANGE Change constant element in life, significant alteration in patterns of culture and social structure that are reflected in social behavior. Change is a constant element in social life. All societies experience social change, a significant alternation in the patterns of culture an social structures that are reflected in social behavior. Some societies, like small tribes change slowly due to isolation, while other like the United States change rapidly. Social Change refers to; †¢ Identity of change, what changes †¢ Level of change, level in an individual, group or society †¢ Rate of change, sudden or gradual Direction of change, will it improve or get worse †¢ Magnitude of change, comprehensive, revolutionary In order to appreciate the degree and nature of change we must have a level of stability or baseline against which to measure, Change is not uniform. Not all cultural and social elements change at the same rate. Factors that influences change include; †¢ E nvironmental conditions †¢ Isolation †¢ Available resources †¢ Population †¢ Political organisations †¢ Cultural factors †¢ Leaders and entrepreneurs Innovation Innovation, change occurred when people think of new ways of doing things. Technological innovation are, cars which changed the structure of cities, mobile phones which increased communication, internet world wide communication, planes. Cultural innovations are new beliefs and values systems, religions. Social Innovations are bureaucratic organisation which enable people to cope with the demands of present day society. CHANGE CAN SPREAD Diffusion Diffusion is the movement of ideas form one society to another examples of this are; †¢ Domestication of animals †¢ Invention of machines, industrial revolution †¢ Invention of siliconchip. Closeness to centres of invention is important because new ideas is adversely proportional to distance, the more isolated the slower the development. Media and transportation reduced isolation and help speed up innovations, culture value shows this. Diffusion can be planned e. g. economic aid to third world countries. Acculturation Acculturation is the adoption of new ideas, values by one culture to another because of prolonged interaction. Acculturation is rapid, through direct contact, migration, military and missionaries. Examples are worker in India taken to Fiji, missionaries living in Indigenous areas. Acculturation is a two way process; 1) Transculturation Two cultures take ideas from one another, one is dominant. 1) Involuntary acculturation One culture has political control and forces the other society to accept its ideas. Collective Behavior Collective Behavior is unpredictable behavior of groups when working outside societies recognized institutions. Types of collective behavior include; †¢ Panics †¢ Conventional crowds e. g. marches, rallies †¢ Acting crowds e. g. mobs, riots †¢ Rumors; untrue reports spread via collective behavior †¢ Fad, short lives †¢ Fashion Public opinion; ideas and attitudes shared by member of the public. Institutional Behavior is predictable patterns, regulated by traditional norms. The nature of continuity Continuity of the persistence of social and cultural elements with a society e. g. social group of family and peers. Continuities with Australia include; †¢ Anzac Day, Australia day †¢ Melbourne Cup †¢ Vegemite †¢ Schoolies week †¢ Year 12 formal Some societies with strongly help traditional beliefs, continuities are dominant, conformity is encourages. Few elements are added e. g traditional societies based on strong religious beliefs. Continuities persist because; †¢ We need to preserve our language, laws, morals, ethics, behavior so that our traditions last into the future. This is done through the socialisation process, we pass social continues onto generations. In the micro world this happens through family, in the macro world it is through media, government, law, education and religion. †¢ Continuities (traditions) provide security for a society to help maintain links to the pasty so there is a sense of continuity for the future. †¢ Continuity brings stability to society, t prevents chaos followed from massive change. The nature of change Change is the alteration of how things are done, the alteration in pattern of culture, social structure and social behavior over time. No society can successfully prevent change, some societies are more resistant however. The rates, nature and direction of change different from one society e. g. Australian compared to traditional pygmy society of Africa. Change occurs when people think of new ways of doing something e. g. innovations. Innovations spread by diffusion and acculturation. Change forces societies to consider traditions they wish to keep or discard. Change in societies is inevitable; †¢ can be constructive (new medicine) †¢ can be destructive (pollution) †¢ may be sudden (war or death) †¢ evolve gradually (animal extinction) We need to prepare for change. It is constant element of social life. Some changes are planned, others unplanned. They can be of a short duration (fads and fashion) or long duration (invention of cars). Some changes are readily accepted (improved health care) while other are controversial (feminist movement). Modernisation The process of change in society in terms of development to a more modern society is said to be called Modernisation. It is a process of social change resulting from diffusion and adoption of characteristics of more modern societies by societies said to be less advanced. This process involves greater social mobility, more effective government control, acceptance of innovations and changing social values. †¢ Process of Modernisation refers to economic, social and cultural changes that occur when pre industrial societies (traditional) make transition to a more advanced industrial society. †¢ major thrusts of Modernisation is industrialization. †¢ there is no end to the Modernisation process. the more modern a society Australia the more it undergoes this process. Who benefits from Modernisation †¢ many of the younger groups are willing to embrace change †¢ the educated understand and rationalize change †¢ The wealthy can afford change Who do not benefit from Modernisation †¢ The elder, unskilled, conservative christians †¢ The poor or uneducated. †¢ They see modernization a destroying traditional values. Examining the impact of continuity and change upon the lives of people in the micro and macro worlds MACROWORLD The macroworld continuities are refered to as traditions e. g. Australians love going to the beach is recognized across generations. Macroworld change operates on different levels Changes in government may cause changes in society e. g. liberal government replaced by labour (whitlam) lead to reform in fault divorce. Technological Change in the macroworld e. g. vinyl records to compact disc. Communication changes e. g. snail mail to email Organisations changed around the world, replaced with globalisation. Political power now belongs to multinational companies. Environment Continuity or change will impact the macroworld e. g. increase in global awareness, problem with depleting resources/species and atmosphere problems. Development of international domestic laws combat these changes. Microworld e. g. joining organisations such as greenpeace. Population change Macroworld size; international organisations set up to combat large populations in developing countries e. g. AID including food. Microworld size; 40 hour famine charity, donations Macroworld distribution; laws have been set up to provide infrastructure for migrants to move countries. Microworld distribution; bring different foods, languages Macroworld composition; aging population, an increase in retirement homes Microworld composition; work longer, no pension Political organisations Macroworld; type of government running the country, influences school syllabus Microworld; voting, compulsory English Leaders and change Macroworld; Howard e. g. policy on terrorism increases security. Microworld; postponement of overseas travel. Innovations Macroworld; invention e. g. internet creates global village. Laws regulate abuse of technology Microworld; easy communication access to information Acculturation/Diffusion migrants Macroworld; regulation and laws increase immigrants. Media plays role in diffusing/acculturating society Microworld; different food/religions, more culture in schools. Collective Behavior- fashion fads Macroworld; straight hair, hipster jeans Microworld; buying a muster hair straighter. Distinguishing between personal experience and public knowledge MICROWORLD Microworld; family, peers, school, sport teams, community life The world we know through personal experience. Experiences help us grow and develop as human beings. It helps us engage in personal reflection Personal experience; ideas, insight, reflection or an individual used to generate understanding of the wider world. MACROWORLD Macroworld; media, law, government, libraries, research Public knowledge collection of knowledge assembled through research from a range of personal experience knowledge is found in books, lectures, documents. Public Knowledge; socially constructed knowledge involving a history of research. It is achieved through institutions, government, religion and mass media. Role of power and authority in social and cultural continuity and change GOVERNMENT Change; government members initiate and debate new laws. Governments can change themselves after elections. Continuity; Governments maintain political stability by protecting laws that are already in place. The also maintain traditional political parties. . g. Labour, liberal and heritage and traditions e. g. anthem, Australian flag. LEADERS (politicians, religious, business) Change; can be by force e. g. Hitler, by vote e. g. John Howard, through inspiration e. g. Nelson Mandella Continuity; used their power to influence others, maintain traditions and encouraging people to believe what they them selves believe. RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Change; some churches/religion have adjusted to contemporary society and accepted gay community, women priests, play modern music. Continuity; most churches maintain continuities through their ceremonies and beliefs. Churches are conservative, perpetuate morals, values and customs of their doctrine. EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATIONS Change; school deals with change by introducing new curriculum, latest technology and new legal rules e. g. anti-bullying. Continuity; formal assembly, uniform, orientation day, awards presented. THE FAMILY Change; in size, status, structure and roles to suit modern society. More mothers in the workforce has caused change in families. Continuity; celebrations, religious customs, relationships, the concept of family and what it means has remained constant. Theories of social change and evaluating their role in explaining continuities and changes in society. Theory is a statement that organizes a set of concepts in a meaningful way by explaining the relationship among them. A full grasp of social change needs more than an understanding of some specific factors that can provoke change. We need a broader theory that explains how, why and what direction social change in general takes place. A successful theory of social change must do more than describe events it must explain how and why change takes the form that it does. SOCIO EVOLUTIONARY THEORY Theorist Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin The main idea of this theory is that this theory implies that all societies gradually change from traditional and simple to more complex following only one path. Modern socio theorists believe that development and change could occur in a multilinear way i. e. following several different paths, not just one. They did not believe that industrial societies were necessarily superior to rural based or traditional societies and did not view all changes as progress. Strengths; It says that societies can develop in many different ways not just one path. It believes that not all change is progress. Weaknesses; Only looks at slow change, evolution and doesnt explain quick change e. g. war, natural disaster. FUNCTIONALIST THEORY Theorist Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons This theory emphasises social order and the importance of maintaining structures and processes within society to maintain a state of equilibrium or balance. This theory says that if change occurs, its temporarily alters the balance in society, brings about adjustment or change to bring about a new equilibrium and balance once again in society. Believes social change occurs when internal or external forces upset societys balance e. unemployment, women returning to the workforce, war) All parts of society have a function, and change is a result of these functions being disturbed. In simple societies there are fewer institutions to perform functions (family, education economic production of food). In more complex societies more institutions perform functions e. g. schools provide education not family. Strengths; sh ows how society deals with change and adjusts to it Weaknesses; More about institutional order. Concentrates on destructive change. Doesnt deal well with technology, or economic change. CONFLICT THEORY Theorist Karl Marx Views conflict and change as inevitable in society and ongoing. Change is the result of inequalities in society e. g. class differences, religious differences, differences in wealth and ethnic differences. Conflict occurs between groups with power, who wish to maintain their value and prestige and those who have no power but wish to challenge the existing power structures. Strengths; Alot of change does occur through recognizes that side of society. Explains human nature, not everyone always agrees and everyone wants more power. Weaknesses; Not all change requires conflict in society. Provides little indication of future directions of change. Explore continuity and change †¢ Is all change necessarily progress? Change; an alteration in the way things are done in society Progress; improvements for the better, getting something better Therefore do all changes always lead to improvements in peoples lives in the micro and macro world. NO a culture may feel that in changing they are abandoned their traditional way of life, which may be very important to them due to e. g. religion and unplanned change e. g. war is negative, natural disasters. Also change may be forces upon a society or culture e. . The Jews under Hitler. YES change can be progress as no society would be willing to change a good life for a poorer one. Australia change to incorporate women and indigenous issues into mainstream political life. †¢ Which groups benefit from change? Which do not? Groups; people who gather together because they have something in common Benefits; gaining something good or positive. Therefore who gains something positive from change and who doesnt within the micro and macro world. THE WEALTHY benefit for change as if changes are technologically based, the wealthy can affords it and young people. Most other groups do too. MINORITY GROUPS do not benefit because they are isolated groups in society, they may not change at the same rate as society as a whole. Lower class members are unfamiliar with technology due to poverty and lack of education and fall behind in society. †¢ Are westernisation, modernisation and industrialisation inevitable? Westernisation; the process of countries adopting the practices and values of western countries, especially USA eg. fast food, music, TV. Modernisation; the process of countries moving from traditional societies (focused on ontinuities) to modern societies which accept change. Industrialisation; the process of moving from a society based on agriculture to a society based on industry as the main means of production. Are these 3 processes going to happen to all countries of the world at some stage YES, the world reflects a move towards these three processes in the system or organisation called globalisation. The influence and demands of t he World Bank to follow a western style economy to gain access to loan funds. Technology is becoming so much more prolific and affordable that everyone is exposed economic base of many countries. NO, Some countries are economically and culturally strong enough to maintain their independence from globalisation. Cuba is still an independent country despite its proximity to the US. Social and Cultural Continuity and Change in a Selected Country Apply the fundamental course concepts to that country PERSONS Individualism is not encouraged in traditional Japanese society. Persons are expected to blend in and work for the good of the group, but attitudes are changing. Until the end of second world war the interests of individuals were suppressed under a patriarchal system. he state was compared as one large family. Harmony amongst people is the basis of Japanese society. Japanese are extremely sensitive to any conflict and avoidance can be observed. Traditional Japan; authority and power was held by shoguns and were recognized as individuals. this was based on a caste system. Relationships between people was dictated by the caste system. Women non existent, position determined by th eir family. Polite and plain language. Contemporary Japan; Abolishment of caste system, rise of middle class has show growth in sense of individualism in males and females. Adolescents are expressing themselves openly, choice of career path, expectations of quality of life. relationships still reflect superior inferior status. Evidence language and bowing. Improvement in womens position, can vote, access to work. Through westernisation 2 language forms are slowing becoming one. SOCIETY Originally a feudal society with strict cast system with emperor as ruler. Warlords and Samurai kept peace in early Japan under control of shogun (military leader) Today society is governed by democratically elected monarchy. Family and peer groups are important groups in society. Traditional society Family; extended family unit, ie. Mainly subsistence farming. Ie responsible for welfare, health and education of members. Arranged marriages. Husband head of the house. Division of labour based on gender. Government; Feudal society structure around clans. Emperor nominated ruler supported by shoguns and samurais. Meiji Restoration saw movement towards democratic society. Education; reserved mainly for daimyos and nobles. peasants were educated to read, write and maths. This led to literate society. Contemporary society Family; Mainly nuclear families, some extended still exist in city due to high living costs. growth in single parents. Marriage mainly own choice/love. Gender roles in family re similar. Government; Bicameral system, emperor symbolic head of state. Constitutional democracy. responsibilities for welfare of citizens organized by government institutions e. g. social security, education, health Education; Still highly literate society, still values, key to socio economic mobility and has resulted in a highly competitive system of cram schools. Equal access, and education still instills cultural values. CULTURE The importance of Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism to traditional society. The importance of ceremonies like the tea ceremony. Traditional Culture; Importance of Buddhism and Shintoism to ritual; and beliefs. Confucianism reinforced the caste system, values, distribution of power and authority. Art and artifacts forces mainly on nature. Contemporary Japan; Role of religious beliefs slowly declining. Adopting of western ideas and values. Change in social habits and prefer western life e. g. Macdonald over sushi, baseball over sumo wrestling. Emergence of subculture group e. g. skinheads, rockers. Persistence of geisha both traditional and ones for tourists. ENVIRONMENT Originally closed to western world, western contact in 1850s. today a mixture of traditional Japanese environment overlaid with a westernized environment. physically environment is crowded islands and mountainous. Traditional Environment; Predominately feudal, agricultural society. Closed society, superiority, limited opportunity to exchange ideas, values and technology, pre Commodore Perry. Control over the adoption of anything foreign. Opportunity to adopt Confucian values from China thus reinforcing caste system. Contemporary Japan; Democratically elected, open society whereby western ideas, technology and culture are readily adopted through diffusion and acculturation. World leader in technology, highly industrial, major export, major importer of food and raw materials. TIME Over time Japan has experience both continuity and change. modernisation began with Western contact after WW2. every aspect of society and culture has changed over time in Japan some important traditions have remained. A historical look at Japan will allow us to view its continuities and changes and the interrelationship between time, person, society and culture. Examine the nature of traditional society and culture in that country The emperor in Japan held superior status and was fundamental to Japanese nationalism. Most of the population were farmers or craftsmen, the position of nobility being filled by influential; families. Japan was controlled by daimyos or warlords. The warrior class or samurais increased in importance as it was military strength which ensured dominance. Japan was governed by shoguns until 1868 when the old emperor Meiji was restored to power this is known as the Meiji restoration period. Under shoguns the samurais continued to gain power and were the only class permitted to carry a sword. membership to class continued to be determined by birth and ones class in turn determined ones occupation, choice of marriage partner. Outside class system were those who performed unclean task, classless, non human. Th capital of Edo was moved to Tokyo and it was mandatory for families to register with local Buddhist temples. While Shinto was traditional religion is Japan both Confucianism and Buddhism was introduced by china. The family, the traditional family unit or ie was fundamental to Japanese society. They had to honor their ancestors and maintain continuity of the family unit. Loyalty and filial duty were expected of all members who were subordinate to the head. these were Confucian principles. If there was no son to inherit the role of head then a son in law might take on the role, when there were no children adoption was an appropriate solution. In 1947 constitution which spelt the demise of the ie, choices of spouse, inheritance, property rights were changes to reflect equality of gender and rights of the individual. Within the home, religious rites were performed at the Buddhist alter in the home. Power and authority, the control of power is a feature of the history of every nation. In Japan there was a dramatic move from the centralized limited access to power structure of its feudal period to the more open and democratic practices of today. From the time of the Fujiwara period power in Japan had been in the hands of the shoguns. These were families of noble birth and exerted great influence and control over the political and military power of Japan. Towards the middle of the 19th century, the power of the shoguns began to weaken. A coup was staged by a fraction of samurai who claim to be replacing the emperor in his rightful position of power seized the control of government from the shogun and installed a new leadership. New leaders of the Meiji restoration decided to actively seek innovation and western ideas into all aspects of Japanese society. The changes that followed were reestablishing the old imperial style government. Centralizing power, downgrading the old institutions, rationalizing the bureaucracy and improving the nations military power and abolishing the feudal system of privileges. Industrialization and westernisation, establishing a constitutional democracy with a national parliament. All of this took place in thirty years During the Meiji restoration businesses had to reply on the government for the capital funds which they needed to get established. A partnership was formed which gave both business and government stability. The families which responded most quickly to the Meiji period needs accumulated immense economic control and huge industrial organisations. These financial cliques were extremely powerful. After WW2, the Zaibatsu were broken up. The American occupation of Japan after WW2 brought with its other substantial changes. A new constitution was formed, women were given the vote, education system revised, land reform program was put in place and labour unions developed. Japan had a highly valued sense of national identity and cultural heritage. these have withstood the incursion of foreigners and the rapid modernisation process which accompanied the American occupation. Japans subsequent success industrially and economically reflect her ability to sift imported values and achievement and glean only those which will prove worthwhile. There was a transformation of Japan from feudal, with rigid caste system to democratic parliament with no class system and an industrialized economy begun with the Meiji restoration and was completed with the American occupation. Evaluate the nature of power and authority in that country FAMILY AUTHORITY Traditional Family; grandfather, eldest son and father Modern Family; parents (nuclear family), in extended families it still the parents CLASS POWER Traditional society; emperor, warrior class, shogun Modern society; Based on socio economic status, democracy everyone can vote. EDUCATION AUTHORITY Traditional; best schools for wealthy, education important, limited access for women Modern; Compulsory education, women now educated, wealthy power cram schools GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY Traditional; power in hands of shoguns, nobles warriors, emperor, isolation policy Modern; Democracy, emperor still symbolic MILITARY AUTHORITY POWER Traditional; shoguns had own army, samurais power through force Modern; after WW2 US in power, use of police instead of military, Government has power over military MEDIA POWER Modern societies; TV, radio, increased access to westernisation, increased power of women, strong influence on adolescents. Apply one theory of social change appropriate to the selected country By applying the functionalist theory to social change within Japan we can see how it has occurred due to a disruption in the balance. This lead to adjustments in other parts of the system and a new equilibrium level is reached, while balance is restored. During the Tokogawa period equilibrium was maintained however change occurred through the arrival of the USA and Commodore Perry in the 1800s. This ended Japans isolation with the introduction of trade. Next the Meiji restoration period brought about adjustments such as; changed laws, generalized government under emperor, increased power of merchant class and dismantling of caste system. New balance was obtained during the 1930s and this remained till after WW2. Yet change reoccurred when Japan lost WW2 and the US initiates restructuring of all institutions. These changes were evidence through the introduction of women voting, new constitutions, education no longer based on class, shift in government causing democratic elections and production changes from agriculture to industrial production. his restored a new equilibrium up till 1980s. Change has occurred again with globalization and increased influence of western ideas and values. yet a new equilibrium was reached in 1990s. the effects of these changes are still present with the influence of female workers, decreased role for the elderly, government providing care for the elderly, increase in individualism and decrease in identi ty, changing role of the families and increased media influence. Limitations of this has been the focus on changes to institution and it doesnt take globalisation into account. The functionalist theory doesnt take globalisation into account as globalisation of a country would never allow Japan to achieve a true equilibrium. Family life and population changes Continuity is the persistence of social and cultural elements within a society. Change is an alteration is how things are done. It is the alteration in patterns of culture, social structure and social behavior over tie. In Japan, there have been many continuities and changes to family life but mostly changes due to the population. Changes to the Japanese family have occurred due to such influences as acculturation and westernisation. here have been an increase in both nuclear and single parent families, with more women entreating the workforce, leading to greater sense of empowerment. 80% of families now live in the city as opposed to rural areas and as such due to lack of space, many families are split up. More elderly are now in retirement homes, rather than being cared for at home. The function of fa mily as an institution of education and health care is now moreso in the hands of the government. There have also been many continuities in family life in japan. For example, here are still strong gender based division of labour, with the father as the breadwinner and the mother in charge of the house hold. In rural areas of Japan, the extended family is still very important with the elderly passing traditions to younger generations and the parents caring for the elderly at home. As the population is constantly changing, there are many more changes than continuities. The population in japan is ageing, meaning that there is a decrease in both birth and death rates. Due to the increase in nuclear families, such questions arise as who will take care of the elderly? A social adjustment has been necessary with the state beginning to take responsibility for elderly care, rather than the family. The main continuity in population change is that japan has remained monoculture. Imigration is discouraged due to lack of space and the Japanese wish to maintain their distinct culture and way of life. In conclusion there have been many continuities and changes in population and family life. The extended family has tried to maintain traditions in the family due to modernisation, westernisation , industrialisation and acculturation, change is inevitable. A countrys population is not static, so it is to be expected that there are many more changes, rather than continuities. Develop hypotheses for thinking about the future of Japan Feasibility study Process of defining exactly what a project is and what strategic issues need to be considered to assess its potential for success- is it probable. Scenario writing Attempt to account the good and bad possibilities based on what we know. Science fiction writing is a form of scenario writing, the writer uses their understanding of continuity and change to analyze possible futures Analyzing trends and forecasting. Involves reviewing the directions/changes being taken within society and trying to predict outcomes. Events from the past and present are projected forward based on the idea that the frequency and course of change will continue into the future. JAPANS AGING POPULATION What we know already: Traditions are not passed on, Japans population is aging, as less people are having children due to lack of space and high living costs. The death rate is also decreasing, there are more elderly living longer. Land is very expensive breakdown of traditional extended family. Problems associated with this situation: As less children are being born, there are less people to grow up to look after the increased number of elderly. As less elderly live with the extended family due to lack of space, the state needs to put more money into elderly care. the separation of children and grandparents means that fewer traditions are being passed between generations. Gap in socialization process for kids who dont live in extended families. Greater tax burden for younger generation. Possible future scenarios: The population will continue to age, with less children being born. As more families move to city areas there will be a trend towards more nuclear families. A group of young people with no understanding of the past. Couples reduce the number of children. More care facilities needed, more jobs, more cots. Forecasting changes to the society and culture: The government will encourage superannuation, so people will be able to fund their own retirement. They may still need to spend more money on elderly care for those without superannuation. Such solutions as placing preschools and retirement homes together will maintain traditions, as children will be in contact with the elderly. Shorter working hours/public holidays for family time. Encourage migration of young people. INCREASED GLOBAL CULTURAL INTEGRATION What we know already: Japan is being affected by globalisation. This impacts Japans society and culture as they are part of the global community. Westernisation, industrialisation and modernisation are also occurring, Americanization part of global tourism network, open communication and trade. Problems associated with this situation: Japans traditions may become less important. Changes in Japans economy due to changes in the worlds economy. This may attribute to the high living costs. Loss of cultural identity. Infiltration of American culture. Possible scenarios for the future: Japan may suffer future economic downfall. the country will continue to become westernized. traditions and links to the past will continue to weaken. Forecasting changes to the society and culture: Government initiatives to encourage maintenance of traditions. American/Western lifestyles become increasing common. May vary depending on generation. the elderly wish to become more traditional the young want to be more westernized. Greater access for young people to western mass media if they wish.

Monday, November 25, 2019

3 Clarifications Thanks to Commas

3 Clarifications Thanks to Commas 3 Clarifications Thanks to Commas 3 Clarifications Thanks to Commas By Mark Nichol The omission of commas in a sentence can damage its comprehensibility. Employed according to the statement’s structural requirements, they clarify the syntax and therefore the meaning. Here are three sentences repaired with the assistance of one or two of these punctuation marks. 1. â€Å"Egyptian boys held posters of Ahmed Hussein Eid who was fatally stabbed by three bearded men during his funeral procession.† One might misread this photo caption and come away with the impression that the victim was stabbed during his funeral procession. However, the subject of the image is boys in a funeral procession carrying posters of the victim; the explanation of the victim’s fate is parenthetical nonessential to the sentence and should thus be set off by commas: â€Å"Egyptian boys held posters of Ahmed Hussein Eid, who was fatally stabbed by three bearded men, during his funeral procession. 2. â€Å"Several job schedulers like Quartz and Flux are available on the market.† This sentence reads as if Quartz and Flux have already been mentioned, which is not the case. Because they are being introduced, the phrase in which they are mentioned should be parenthetical: â€Å"Several job schedulers, like Quartz and Flux, are available on the market.† Better yet, though like is often interchangeable with â€Å"such as,† in this case, the latter choice is the preferable one. 3. â€Å"The State Senate voted 29 to 5 to approve a revised version of the deal, and a few hours later, the State Assembly also passed the updated legislation by a vote of 54 to 12.† This sentence is contradictory: It states that that one legislative body passed a bill by a particular vote, and then adds that another group did the same thing passed a bill with a certain split of yes and no votes but then provides a different vote result. The statement thus needs to be amended to indicate that the simple outcome passage of the bill was replicated, but that the initial vote was not. The solution? Insertion of a comma that changes the meaning by setting the second vote count off from the rest of the sentence: â€Å"The State Senate voted 29 to 5 to approve a revised version of the deal, and a few hours later, the State Assembly also passed the updated legislation, by a vote of 54 to 12.† Or, more elegantly, transform the appended parenthetical phrase into an interjected one by moving it to an earlier position: â€Å"The State Senate voted 29 to 5 to approve a revised version of the deal, and a few hours later, the State Assembly also passed, by a vote of 54 to 12, the updated legislation.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsConfusing "Passed" with "Past"Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

E-commerace of Marks & Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-commerace of Marks & Spencer - Essay Example In the essay, we shall examine four aspects of e-commerce that have been incorporated by Mark and Spencer (M&S). These areas are; Online selling, Security, Collaborative Commerce and Stock control. The essay will focus on reasons that triggered adoption of E-commerce by (M&S). After the expansion of the European Union, there were more retailers that entered the UK market. This meant that M&S was now facing renewed competition from the new entrants and had to incorporate changes to deal with this competition. The Company needed a source of knowledge on what consumers need and it also needed to do outsourcing. These two objectives were met through ecommerce and now the Company is ahead of its new European competitors. (M&S Annual report, 2007) The Company has adopted this mode of operation because the world is becoming increasingly global; this implies that there are more and more people doing business with parties that are quite distant from them. E-commerce therefore helps Marks and Spencer to reach customers that are not in the UK. This is especially useful to the Company because it has numerous stores world wide. E-commerce has affected the speed at which transactions are made because it is very fast. Before the introduction of online selling, customers had to go manually to M&S yet some of them were very far from them or were even out of the country. Companies that had already ... aused M&S to adopt online selling so that it can get feedback from consumers, conduct business quickly and efficiently and improve quality of service to its customers. Another market force that caused the Company to adopt this ecommerce strategy was the fact that the Company was spending a lot of its resources on advertisements. It also had to do a lot to become popular. Ecommerce has therefore provided an affordable mean of advertisement for the company, expanded markets for the Company by reaching a large audience that could not have been accessed before through ordinary mean of advertisement. (M&S Annual report, 2007) Social pressures The Company adopted this strategy because there were many changes in customer preferences and it needed to keep up with these changes. Besides, it was responding to the increased availability of knowledge among consumers. Availability of knowledge to consumers meant that they needed to know a lot of background information about a Company and its products before they can buy it. E-commerce was the tool which could respond to this demand. It has allowed M&S to exchange information with consumers through 'blogs' and 'comments' section on their website. Thus customers can now have their questions answered and can also participate in innovations made by the Company. (M&S Annual report, 2007) 2) Security Technological pressures With increased technological advancements and internet availability, it is possible for people to teach themselves all the skills necessary in a particular trade. This means that someone can pose as a representative for M&S and tell a customer everything they expect to hear yet they had nothing to do with the Company and may be fraudsters. It therefore became necessary for the retail Company to install security

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ancient Greek Sculpture and the American Cinema Essay

Ancient Greek Sculpture and the American Cinema - Essay Example Sculptures of the Archaic Greek period are characterized by one form in particular: the standing male nude. The artistic style employed by sculptors during that time was heavily influenced by Egyptian sculpture (Richter 2); one can see immediately the similarities in the execution between Egyptian sculptures deities and statues like the Kouros (600 BC, 3 meters high). These sculptures predominantly portrayed athletic male subjects who were very structured in their appearance. Limbs were in pleasing proportion to the entire body, the bust was dealt with similarly and the entire piece might have served as something of an anatomy lesson. Archaic sculpture would be to Classical sculpture what the drawings of an elementary student are to that of a learned sketch artist. The figures lacked life; the stiff effect of the chisels and stone abrasives of the Archaic Greek sculptor meant that aside from quite accurately depicting the human form, statues like the Aristodikos (500 BC, 1.95 meters) could not inspire the mind of the viewer like the next artistic period (Goette 116). What the Classical Greek period of sculpture brought to the world was a celebration of how the body actually functioned; the Classical period brought movement. American cinema has followed a similar path since its inception in the early 20th century. The first films produced in the United States took one of two actions: recreating historical events or recreating classic literature on screen (Slide 151). The very first American movie was Richard III (1912), a remake of Shakespeare's 16th century classic. Three years later saw the release of The Birth of a Nation, a highly controversial film that depicted the events and atmosphere of a divided nation before and during the American Civil War from the perspective of the Ku Klux Klan and its followers. Like Archaic Greek sculpture, it was not the subject of these early films that was lacking, it was the execution. Actors were reminiscent of the Kouros in their rigidity and although the plot and stories of early American films were often of excellent quality, there were few attempts at subplot or undertone; very little existed in these films and many movies of the following decades that was not superficial (Finn 191). The Classical period of Greek sculpture saw the creation of works like the Youth of Anticythera (340 BC, 1.94 meters), crafted in bronze and succeeding in the portrayal of something that its predecessors had failed in: motion (Lullies et all 87). Instead of creation statues that stood straight and perfectly balanced on straight legs and flat feet with arms straight down both sides, Classical sculptors experimented with the movement of the limbs and the portrayal of the human body in more natural positions. In this way human sculpture became more geared towards the expression of beauty and of an essential aesthetic within each work of art. Curves, muscle definition and even subtle body language could be portrayed in this style where before statues were really no more than human figures carved out of stone. Classical Greek sculptures captured the human spirit within their work. American film changed in much the same way, albeit over a much shorter time period. Instead of merely producing historical

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analyze an online article called Does Gender Matter by Ben.A Barres Essay

Analyze an online article called Does Gender Matter by Ben.A Barres - Essay Example First it acts as the backdrop. He argues that women are not pursuing sciences in academics mainly because of discrimination unlike what Lawrence and the others have based their argument on; that, women fail to advance in sciences due to difference in instinctive inability between men and women. This paper addresses the common expressed forms of discriminations that women go through and the risks that the writer takes in addressing this issue. Risks taken by writers to prove the impacts of female discriminations are far-fetched. Ben Bares refers to the before said hypothesis as, ``Larry summer hypothesis†.   He based his argument on that, a part from the major social factors that might make women to hate sciences and mathematics from a tender age, there is still slight evidence that there exists difference in gender abilities in mathematics which are innate or which are slightly relevant to lack of progression of women in sciences.   He explains that it is a fact that the society assumes that the women are less innately able in comparison to men. He further says this assumption is the foremost reason  why women are slow in progressing in sciences and mathematics. Ben Bares in rejecting the hypothesis by Lawrence Summers, Bares takes a great risk because he has to prove that it is not scientifically proven and there is no data supporting such claims. This he does warning that he dies not intent to battle with men or turn them into villains as  expressed in the quote, â€Å"I have no desire to make men into villain.† Bares take this risk so that he could protect the female gender in the society because in the past years it has faced much discrimination and there is no one who stood to protect their desires. This risk pays off well because it brought a great debate which has been discussed for months turning to years making him famous in protecting women in the society. Even before anybody could think of importance of studying the issue of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Problems Caused by Illegal Immigration in the US

Problems Caused by Illegal Immigration in the US Andrew Pasterczyk Immigration has been a crux on which the United States has been built, from the very origins of the nation to massive waves of Immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century. More recently however, The United States of America has experienced a spike in illegal immigration. Mainly stemming from Latin America, illegal immigrants have been pouring across the border in what has become a central political issue. The purpose of this paper is to asses this current, illegal immigration wave, identify the problems with the immigration, and offer solutions to the root problems of todays illegal immigration. For starters, it is important to define what exactly an illegal immigrant is. An illegal immigrant should be considered an individual or a group of individuals that either crosses the border of a foreign nation or resides in the foreign nation, in a manner that violates the immigration laws of the country they illegally pass into or reside in. Under this definition, even drug dealers who temporarily cross the border for even just a few hours are still classified as illegal immigrants. The intent of addressing the term illegal immigration in this manner is to help solve any future problems by closing potential future loopholes to get around being defined as an illegal immigrant. First and foremost, we need to identify the real purpose and desire behind illegal immigration to help better understand the causes to the problems it creates. On the side of the immigrants themselves, its not hard to see where the desire for illegal immigration stems from. In many cases, and particularly that of the United States, illegal immigrants travel to the country looking for a better lifestyle, more opportunity, or things as simple as work. These desires can often stem from poor living conditions in their mother country. In the case of the country subject to the illegal immigration however, the motives and desire for illegal immigration are much more hazy, especially in the case of the United States. While the government doesnt support illegal immigration, and it may be societally frowned upon, many people in the United States, particularly small business owners dont seem to have much of a problem with this illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants come undocumented to the united states, and as a result, are not subject to the benefits that a citizen or immigrant would normally receive. Small business owners dont have to pay medical benefits, or any sort of benefits for that matter, and can pay the illegal immigrants lower than minimum wage to do many jobs that American citizens wouldnt bring themselves to do. At the root of this problem is a combination of several factors, ranging from American arrogance to pandering politicians and parties vying to use immigration as a wedge to draw Latino and Hispanic votes. The main problem that needs to be addressed when attempting to solve the problems illegal immigration creates is the small business owners and congress. Any attempt to outri ght halt or slow immigration could seriously alienate small business owners, and a policy that is theoretically sound may never get through congress due to the severe partisan nature of the congress today. Bearing all that in mind, we need to ask ourselves what the problem with illegal immigration today actually is. One of the common ideas about illegal immigration today is that the illegal immigrants have a largely negative impact on the US economy. By draining welfare money, decreasing standard wages, and taking up American jobs, illegal immigrants supposedly are incredibly detrimental to the US economy. Despite this popular conception however, illegal immigration doesn’t have a detrimental effect on the economy of the United States. For starters, illegal immigrants actually improve the living standards and wages of American citizens. One of the popular misconceptions is that illegal immigrants actively compete with Americans for American jobs, but recent studies suggest that illegal immigrants actually work in cohesion with Americans, to the delight of small business. The increase in availability for cheap labor allows for business to expand, and makes immigrant intensive ser vices like cleaning cheaper, and recent data suggests that immigrants can boost the average American’s salary by .1 to .6 percent. The increase in salary isn’t actually that much. In fact, its barely nothing, but the wage increase is a far cry from the supposed wage decreases that American workers experience as a result of illegal immigration. One of the other common arguments to suggest a problem with current illegal immigration is that immigrants are a drain on the welfare state. There are a few misconceptions with this idea however. First of all, welfare in the nation, such as social security and Medicare are focused on the old, not the poor. Secondly, most illegal immigrants actually pay taxes, rent, and bills. In fact, almost 10% of the current Social Security fund today comes from illegal immigrants. To make it even more obvious, Arizona passed bill SB 1070 that made it illegal to be an undocumented worker, and as a result, the state economy lost almost $141 million due to economic revenue loss, and the bill had been severely hampered by the state supreme court, suggesting that had the original bill gone through, Arizona could’ve lost something in the ballpark of $48.8 billion. The overall point here is that on a large scale, there is no serious economic problem with illegal immigration. That being said, there are two major problems caused by illegal immigration that need to be solved. The first of these is the concentration of illegal immigrants in specific areas of the United States. While illegal immigrants may not be a drain on the federal government or the overall economy of the United States, they can prove harmful to local governments if in concentrated doses. Unfortunately, this is a truth in much of the US, as immigrant populations are heavily concentrated in cities just across the borders of the US. From a local perspective, illegal immigrants can be incredibly damaging, as they take advantage of things like free education without ever actually contributing money to help fund them. Additionally, in low income neighborhoods, a concentrated dose of illegal immigrants can put low skilled citizens out of work. When looking at it from a local perspective, illegal immigration can actually cause some economic problems. That being said, this is an incredibly convol uted problem, one that cannot be solved within the confines of this paper given the times and views today. If we wanted to stop the damage concentrated groups of illegal immigrants do to local governments in the US, the most logistical solution would be to legalize them, forcing them to help pay for the welfare that they use. This solution is flawed however, because it would alienate the low skilled workers of America and small business, and would never pass through congress. Another potential solution could be to just give the strained local governments more money, but this in itself is a poor solution. We would first have to determine what parts of the country would qualify to receive the aid, which would be incredibly hard seeing as it would require the federal government to find where illegal immigrants are specifically located. Something that the immigrants themselves wont be compliant in. Not only that, but throwing money at communities affected by illegal immigration wont sol ve anything, it will only delay the inevitable need for a solution. Lastly, it would be incredibly hard to ensure that the money was actually used where it was intended to be used. Overall, the problem of concentrated illegal immigration populations at local levels isnt unsolvable, but such a solution would have to tackle longstanding American prejudices and the workings of congress, which is something that we cannot do within the confines of this paper. The other problem with illegal immigration, and the one that this paper will dedicate itself to solving is the problem with security created by illegal immigration. In their analysis of whether or not illegal immigrants are beneficial to the economy, many people forget the underlying fact that these immigrants got to the United States by breaking the law. Not only that, but it occurs with a frightening regularity and is accepted as a reality in the United States. Many attempts to fix the supposed economic problem have actually made the security dilemma even worse, driving immigrants underground and fostering a culture of illegality. Thus there is a serious problem created by illegal immigration. While most illegal immigrants simply come here to find work or opportunity, they make the borders dangerously unstable, opening up pathways that can be followed by drug cartels and crime, and potentially terrorists. There are stats that only reinforce this opinion as well, suggesting that in a three year span from 2008 to 2011, the number of cities feeling a cartel presence increased from around 230 to almost 1700. This suggests that the massive security breach created by illegal immigration is having a very bad impact on the US, and needs to be solved. To be able to effectively solve this problem however, we first need to take a look at what is causing this problem with security at our borders. Small Business Demands/Desires As we can see in the synthesized chart above, there are really two root causes to the security problem caused by immigration. Terrible laws dictating US border policy, and the desires of small business America are at the root of the problem with illegal immigration in America. This becomes a tricky situation to solve, because both of these root problems oftentimes contradict one another. If priority is placed small businesses, then good laws will never really be drafted, because they may interfere with a steady supply of cheap labor that small businesses desire. On the other hand, if a solid immigration policy is set in place to secure the borders of America and restore security to the borders, you will most likely alienate small business, and end up driving up prices or creating a shortage in the low skilled work force as laborers are displaced from their jobs. The problem with these two roots to the problem is that an idealistic solution, although well thought out, may not appease everyone, and as a result get stuck in congress and never have an effect on anything. The obvious solution to securing the border, while allowing for local small businesses to enjoy the fruits of cheap labor is a guest worker system. Such a system would have to be carefully designed however, and pragmatic to make it through congress. Idealistically, this foreign worker system designed as a solution to close off the border would have to have several separate provisions. For starters, there would have to be incentives for both immigrants and companies to make the solution work. One of the trickiest parts of the solution is also probably one of the hardest to pull off. One of the main problems with the security of the border is that illegal immigrants are almost forced to come over illegally. This happens for a number of reasons. Firstly, its incredibly hard to get across the border the legal way, especially for poor Hispanic illegal immigrants who are simply looking for work. More often than not they will be denied, or have to wait incredibly long times just to hear whether or not they get to even get a temporary residence. Knowing this bleak reality, many illegal immigrants cross illegally knowing there isnt another option. The second problem with the legal option that makes being an illegal immigrant more appeali ng is that even if one were to get a temporary work permit, the permits have incredibly rigid expiration dates. This poses a problem in itself, seeing as the work visas are less desirable than illegal entry, seeing as one would only be able to stay in the country for a set amount of time before leaving again. Because of all this, one of the provisions of the plan to secure borders would have to be smaller, more easily renewed work permits. A renewable short term permit would be far more appealing to those who want to come to the country for work or opportunity. In order to get such a short term permit renewed, it should be pretty important that the migrant worker have some sort of business or company sponsorship, to signify that they actually did work while in the United States. This provision to ensure that immigrants who come to the United States actually find work to participate in, rather than just sit around and take advantage of welfare offered by local governments and the fed eral government. On the other side of the coin, US companies and other small businesses would also need incentives to hire these workers. One of the main reason that illegal immigrants are desired as low skilled laborers is because of the fact that, as immigrants, they are not necessarily subject to the same regulations as US citizens. Unlike a citizen, illegal immigrants arent protected under minimum wage laws or health care benefits. It is this quality that makes them desirable for small businesses to hire, and for communities to turn a blind eye to. That being said, if immigrants are being allowed into the nation to work as low costing laborers, there need to be a number of restrictions placed upon them so that the solution has an actual realistic chance of passing through congress. Of these restrictions, there should be a few that even out the playing field when it comes to hiring workers. Regulations or business practices that make it near impossible to hire migrant workers, and laws and practic es that make it easier and more beneficial to hire migrant workers should also be scrapped and made illegal. The idea here is to allow migrant workers to enter the country and find work, while trying to level the playing field for those that complain about migrant workers coming in a stealing jobs from them. Finally, both workers and employers who choose not to comply with the new law should be punished. If there is no consequence for not obeying the regulations, nobody will follow them anyway. There needs to be some sort of punishment for not complying with the new law and regulation. If a migrant worker violates their agreement, they should be deported and not be allowed to re-apply for access into the company. How a migrant worker could theoretically violate their agreement is pretty simple. Any migrant worker staying past the expiration of their permit without getting the permit removed is considered within the boundaries of breaking their contract. Another possibility is if the worker has brought anyone with him not protected by the working permit, like family members or relatives. Should the worker fail to comply with the permits instructions word for word, they will be deported, without an option for renewal.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Illusion of the Good Essay -- Philosophy Philosophical Papers

The Illusion of the Good ABSTRACT: The question of ethics relates to the good and its contrary, evil. What ethics does with its object is to seek to understand it, that is, not to produce either the concept of the good or the actions that fall under that concept. Thus, the question that follows is: What is the good?, or strictly speaking, what is the definition of the good? But the definition asked for, as any other definition, is necessarily related to the science of language. But language itself is a social phenomenon. Consequently, the definition of any concept implies the quest of the social roots of this concept. In this sense, the quest of the roots is prior to the quest of what is. Examples are taken from Plato’s Republic, Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents, and Schlick’s Problems of Ethics to show that the good is either in the state, in the super-Ego or in society. This means that the origin of the good lies outside the good itself, or, outside ethics. Hence, we cannot spe ak of the good per se, and if we do, we fall into an illusion. Q: To what object does the question of ethics relate? A: To the good and its contrary, evil. Q: And what does ethics do with the object? A: Ethics seeks to understand it, that is, not to produce neither the concept the good, nor the actions that fall under this concept. Thus, the question that seems to follow is: What is good? Or, strictly speaking, what is the definition of good? But the definition asked for, as any other definition, is related, necessarily, to the science of language as G.E. Moore has pointed out in his book. But language, itself, is a social phenomenon. Consequently, the definition of any concept. In this sense, the quest of the social roots i... internal psychological processes, and considering nature as the sole enemy and as the source of evil. Not only nature is evil, but also man as long as the dichotomy goo/evil has been interiorized, and Homo hominy buys us is the inevitable outcome. Nevertheless, real development ran against this illusory dichotomy. The industrial revolution in Europe was preceded by religious critical thinking and the liberation of human reason from any other authority save that of reason itself. Hence, thin revolution reveals that real development is realized with the help of technology guided by science mastering nature for the sake of satisfying man's needs. Notes (1) S. Freud, Civilisation and its Discontents, (trans.) J. Strachey, W.W. Norton Company, Inc. 1961, pp. 71-72. (2) Schlick, Problems of Ethics, (trans.) D. Rynin, Dover Publications, 1961, pp. 90 and 91.